Looking for really cute and funny 40th birthday invitation wordings that will form a lasting impression on your guests? Try writing your own poems or rhymes, this will surely impress all your guests and loves ones. All you have to do is to let your creative juices flow and jot down what you feel from the bottom of your heart.
Much as I’d like to say that birthdays are special, or that they are something we look forward to, it all falls flat at the mention of the fortieth birthday. Most of us steadfastly refuse to acknowledge it. Others become indifferent. And then there are some who become downright depressed. Of course, it goes without saying that it is unlikely that anyone would be enthusiastic enough to throw a party for their own fortieth birthday. So it is up to you, as a partner/friend/sibling/offspring/parent/colleague to deliver a party to beat all parties.
There are tons of things that need to be taken care of – guest lists, menus, venues, themes, decorations… and it gets longer. But sending out invitations is an oft-overlooked aspect, especially as we’re socially networked almost perpetually. It’s nice to be old-fashioned with invitations, putting pen to paper and getting creative.
Something Formal…
Jack & Jane cordially invite you
to join them in celebrating
their mother’s 40th birthday.
Please join us as we celebrate
(person’s name)’s
40th Birthday
Hosted by
(host’s name)
on (date)
at (place)
Something Nice…
Join us as we cheer
for (Name)’s fortieth year!
Celebrating (Name)’s glorious 40 years!
Join us in the revelries!
It took 40 years…
…for (Name) to age to perfection.
It sure does call for a celebration!!
Join us for cocktails, followed by dinner at (venue), on (date)
Something Quirky…
Name) is turning 40…
S/he may be over the hill,
But definitely not under.
Join in the celebrations
Let’s raise a toast to (Name)
S/he is fabulous, feisty, fantastic,
Free food! Free booze!
Groovy music! Lots of dancing!
At –
For (Name) turns 40 on (Date)
Make sure you join us!
(Name) is turning 40, and s/he doesn’t want a party.
S/he thinks it’s the new 30, but it really is 40.
Let’s tell her/him s/he’s still younger than some mountains, castles and creakies!
Join us on (date)
at (venue)
It hits most of us when we least expect it…
It spends 39 long years waiting to strike us…
Its latest victim is (Name)
So join us as we celebrate the old badger’s 40th Birthday on (date)
Something Secret…
SHH!!! A little birdie told me
There’s going to be a party!
Because, oh my lordy,
(Name)’s turning 40!
A SURPRISE party is planned for him on (Date)!
Be at (Venue) by (Time) and don’t be late.
Call (organizer’s name) to RSVP at (Phone Number).
Remember, it’s a SECRET!