A 50th birthday is an important milestone in one’s life. It should be backed up with creative gift ideas. An exotic holiday is something that would do well.
Although turning fifty is still a milestone, it’s no longer about getting into the ‘senior citizen’ bracket as it used to be, even as recently as a decade ago. The 50-year-olds of today are healthy, with-it, and full of joie de vivre. Which is exactly what you need to keep in mind while selecting their birthday gifts.
Gifts for a Fiftieth Birthday
The choices are unending, as you will see. And that’s because people no longer give 50-year-olds the same old, tried, and tested gifts as they did decades ago. They, instead, choose something that is trendy, technologically-advanced, and useful.
Convenient, compact, and portable are the buzzwords for the ideal 50th birthday gifts today; spiking it up with a sprinkling of nostalgia will give you some of the perfect choices. Think videos, music, and photos – all very popular for any age group. An iPod loaded with Beatles’ numbers, or Elvis Presley songs, and other musical greats of the ’60s era would make a great 50th birthday gift.
Cell Phones
How about any of the smart, function-rich, trendy cell phones in the market today? If you don’t want to go over your budget, there are stylish cell phones that are easy on the pocket as well ! Or, if budget is not a consideration, why not splurge on the ultimate in the cell phones? Plus, there are a whole range of cell phone accessories that you can gift someone, if the person already has a great phone, that is. Something like a Bluetooth headset, memory card, phone holders, cell phone hands free, and so on.
Gym Equipment
Activity and fitness are usually high on the list of people in their fifties today. Visit any gym in your area, and not only will you find a fifty-year-old sweating it out, but also keeping pace with people younger than him/her. All this has got to do with the fact that the 50-year-olds these days know the importance of staying healthy and keeping fit to preserve their youthful looks and energy levels well into the future. In that direction then, fitness tools that help to firm, tone, and keep the body young and beautiful will be highly appreciated by someone who is into health and fitness. There are several compact exercise equipment that can make great 50th birthday gifts, such as exercise chairs, pedal exercisers, exercise balls, resistance bands, aquatic exercise equipment, and even portable home gyms.
Fitness Groups/Classes
If a gym membership or exercise equipment does not seem like something that they would be interested in, and would rather prefer something that is more sport-centric, you could sign them up for one of the popular classes that have become a part of the fitness society now – something on the lines of lawn tennis, spinning classes, trekking groups, swimming lessons, dance classes and so on and so forth.
Beautiful Photo Album
If you have something more traditional in mind, especially if it’s your spouse’s 50th birthday, why not present him/her with a photo album filled with pictures of all the special moments of his/her life, as well as those that you’ll have shared together through the years? It will help the two of you to relive those cherished moments together and strengthen the bonds you share.
Gold Jewelry
Since 50 years is considered the golden jubilee, gifting something made of gold can be a part of the celebration. For example, how about gifting a gold bracelet, or a pendant? Whatever fits your budget, that is. What’s more is that you can personalize these with a special message or the name of the person you are gifting it to! These gold items come in various designs, and can also be embellished with beautifully crafted precious stones.
Holiday Destination Trip
Of course there is always the option of pampering them with a spa break (them and their partner, perhaps?). Inclusive of a luxurious spa resort with full use of all the facilities and top-notch treatments. Or maybe a holiday to some exotic destination – one where they can experience the sun, sand, and sea, and enjoy all the seaside activities, like scuba diving, water-skiing, fishing, shopping, fine dining – the works. Or perhaps a mountain resort, if skiing is their passion. Or, why not just a weekend stay at a 5 Star deluxe hotel?
Funky T-shirts and Gifts
Gag gifts can be a great way to make turning fifty full of laughter and fun. However, when you shop for these gifts, make sure that they don’t hurt the feelings of the recipient. Look for fun-filled, lighthearted gifts like humorous stickers, embarrassing pictures framed in wacky frames, quilts with funny characters or quotes on them, funny key chains, card cases, table lamps, pen holders, and paperweights, silly hats or towels, and T-shirts with outrageous one-liners.
Classic Collection of Shawls and Wine
Thinking of gifting something to your mother on her 50th birthday? How about a beautiful Pashmina shawl? You could even gift her a personalized bracelet that has something special inscribed on it. And then onto your dad and his 50th birthday present – here’s what we’re thinking – an assorted set of red and white wines, especially if your dad has a taste for good spirits. If you are worried about his health, gift him a wellness monitor that keeps a track of his fitness all day long. Or how about a personalized leather hip flask, if he likes to carry his drink with him, that is.
And there you have it – an extensive choice of 50th birthday gifts. Now that you know what you can gift them, go right ahead and buy that special someone that special gift – today. And perhaps, go that extra mile and throw a party as well? That one we leave up to you.