Looking for some really funny ways to say happy birthday online? This article shall provide you some excellent ideas that could be utilized for making a birthday humorous…
With so many social networking sites springing up, sending birthday wishes online has become a much easier task. Many websites have provisions for personalizing your birthday wishes. The resources are ample and all you have to do is explore the different ways for sending birthday wishes over the Internet. You must also be accustomed with the technical aspects for coming up with creative ideas for wishing someone online. Numerous online applications exist and you can take help from them for delivering birthday wishes.
Humorous Ways to Wish Birthday Online
There are a plenty of creative ways to say happy birthday online. If you are well acquainted with Facebook and its features, then you will probably know how useful it is to send birthday wishes. Moreover, the Internet is a great medium for wishing distant friends, relatives and loved ones. As soon as birthday reminders start popping on your homepage, you can plan out some wonderful ways for wishing the concerned person.
To help you out, we have explained some easy ways that could be utilized for sending online birthday wishes.
- Making a Collage: There are many sites that allow making a photo collage online. You can access these sites and follow the guidelines provided for making a birthday album. If you have treasured the snaps of your friends, then assemble them in chronological order for making a collage. To make it humorous, pick up those snaps containing funny poses and twisted faces. Add funny captions and notes with each picture and post it on his/her wall. Tag your friend in the collage and make him/her feel special by reminiscing the wonderful moments spent together.
- Sending Messages: Think of some lines that make your friend laugh the most. If the person happens to be your online pal, then I’m sure you have shared some fun filled chats. Recollect them for framing a joke that would indeed evoke a great deal of laughter. If your friend has a sense of humor, then I’m sure he will laugh at your jocular birthday message. You can also create smileys/emoticons of funny cartoons and post them on his wall.
- Posting Videos: Personalizing videos by assembling the funny moments that you have captured earlier is doubtlessly a great idea. But this is not applicable for everyone. Take help of YouTube and find out the funniest videos for posting them on your friend’s wall. Pick up those that are worth laughing at and then share the joy with each other.
- Sending e-Cards: Sending e-cards on birthdays is also a good option for wishing people with whom you are into a distant relationship. There are plenty of websites that contain different themes for birthday wishes. One amongst them is the funny theme. You will find numerous cards containing funny characters along with humorous quotes. Register on those websites and send the e-card to the concerned person via e-mail or on social networking sites.
- Quotes and Poems: Although the idea of sending humorous quotes on birthdays is becoming outdated, still people adopt them for wishing specific people. You will come across a large number of sayings, poems and quotes while browsing the Internet. Pick up the ones that would complement the individual. You can also write your own lines in humorous way to make the person feel special.
- Personalized Gifts: There are ample applications that allow you to personalize gifts online, and Facebook is a great platform for it. Pick up a funny theme or select some really cool gag gifts. Personalize the gift by adding embellishments and colorful wrappers. Post on your friend’s wall once the gift is ready with the funny element. If you have wisely utilized the humorous theme, then this is a wonderful option for making someone happy.
These were some brilliant ways to say happy birthday online. In case you cannot connect with the person on his birthday, you can utilize these mediums for sending birthday wishes. With online resource gaining immense popularity, it has created wonderful ways for celebrating a birthday virtually. Keeping the funny theme intact, explore your creative ways for making your loved one feel special on his/her birthday.