Make your boyfriend’s birthday unique and special by planning something romantic, crazy, and interesting. Read on for some special things to do for your boyfriend on his upcoming birthday.
Your boyfriend’s birthday is approaching, and this time you want to leave no stone unturned in telling him that he is the one for you, and that he makes your world go round. Although there are many gifts that you can give him, why not do something this time that will etch in his memory forever. Scroll down for such romantic, fun, and interesting things to do on your boyfriend’s birthday.
Kissing Spree
A fun thing to do on your boyfriend’s birthday would be to go on a kissing spree. In other words, every time your boyfriend says “I”, “me”, “myself”, or “us”, you kiss him. These words are very commonly used in a conversation, so you would end up kissing him at least a thousand times in the day! This crazy gesture can turn out to be pretty funny and romantic, all at once.
On your boyfriend’s birthday, become the woman of his dreams. So, if your guy lusts after Angelina Jolie or Megan Fox, then dress-up, act, and behave like her in his presence. Get hold of a few DVDs of his favorite screen goddess and learn her mannerisms and dressing style. Seeing a replica of his favorite actress in his girlfriend will blow any man’s mind.
Surprise Party
Want to make your boyfriend’s day memorable? Then organize a party and invite all his close buddies and their girlfriends. To add to the fun, keep a theme party. Choose a theme that is close to your man’s heart. For instance, if he loves a particular sport, like soccer, plan the party around it. Imagine how happy your boyfriend will be cutting a football-shaped cake! Or, if he likes a specific rock band, keep it as the party theme. Have cut-outs of his favorite rock artist all around the party venue and play their music at the party. In the menu, include all his favorite dishes. Keep some fun games at the party. You can even have his friends read out some funny, wacky messages to him. With such amazing birthday party ideas, it will sure become a very special day for him.
Candlelight Dinner
Arrange for a candlelight dinner at your home. Tell him how much he means to you by cooking food yourself and baking a special heart-shaped cake for him. Dress up in your sexiest outfit and slow dance with him on some romantic numbers after the dinner. Tell him that you love him a lot and he means the world to you. Mean it when you say it! Believe me, he will never ever forget your words.
Massage Therapy
Search the Internet and learn some techniques of giving a relaxing foot, back, and head massage. On his birthday, light up some scented candles all around the room, spread a silk bed sheet on the floor, and throw some rose petals on it. Arrange for some good aromatherapy oils to give massage with and keep the lights dim. The whole atmosphere, the relaxing massage, and your presence … this is one lethal combination that no boyfriend can resist!
Gadgets Galore
Enough of the mushy-mushy stuff. If you want to really please your man, get him a latest gadget. Some of the gift ideas that you can consider are MP3 player, iPod, cell phone, organizer, etc. Most men love to own trendy gadgets, so he is sure to like any of these gifts.
When you plan something for your boyfriend on his birthday, always keep in mind his personality and the kind of things that he likes. Plan something that conveys romance, seduction, love, and fun. That’s the best birthday gift that you can give him.