Celebrating a boyfriend’s birthday on a limited budget shouldn’t be a major problem. All you need is creativity and determination to transform your thoughts into reality. This article has some good ideas on how you can make the day a special event without spending a fortune.
It’s your boyfriend’s birthday soon and you have a limited budget. So you can’t really afford to have fireworks going off in the night or a limousine to come and pick him up and drop him. Sometimes, it is the simple and inexpensive things that you do, which make a bigger impact in the mind and heart of your boyfriend. These simple things don’t really cost a lot of money. It is the proverbial ‘thought’ that counts. This BirthdayFrenzy article will help you with some such inexpensive but thoughtful ways to make his day as special as the person he is.
House Date
Here’s what you do: wish him at midnight or early in the morning. Then, send him a text in a very formal tone, asking him out on a date the same evening. Plan a great dinner at your place. Cook all his favorite food items, some delicious dessert and enjoy this at a candle-lit table, with soft romantic music playing in the background. After the dinner, you can both sit and enjoy watching some of his favorite movies that you can rent or buy. Create a theater-like ambiance, get yourselves some coffee or hot chocolate and enjoy the movies (or at least try to). He’ll feel like the most special boyfriend in the world.
Love Coupons
Design some fancy and elaborate love coupons. You can do this yourself. Either make them by hand or if you want to give them a more ‘professional’ touch, you can have them designed on a computer and printed out. Make these coupons for various things like control over the remote, a foot massage, a back rub, a striptease, a slow dance, etc. Use your imagination and come up with some really nice and naughty things that you want to do to him and expect from him. To add a twist, you can also include an expiration time limit for each of the coupons. He can redeem them, either after his birthday or all can expire within the day. That’s up to you. Just make sure you’re ready to do everything that you’ve made the coupons for. You can also add a bumper blank coupon that he can fill up and give you as a surprise.
Spa Treatment at Home
Here’s another romantic idea that he’ll love for sure. On his birthday, invite him over to your place. Change the ambiance of your house to make it resemble a 5-star spa. Play some soothing music, place some scented candles around, get wind chimes to ring in the open windows and other such things that will create a very calm and peaceful environment. When he enters, just wish him a happy birthday with a peck on his cheek and take him into the bath where you can treat him to a full-fledged spa experience. Aromatherapy bubble bath, a luxuriating foot massage, a facial, an oil massage, etc., are some of the ‘spa services’ that you can provide him with. He’ll feel extremely refreshed and rejuvenated after.
Trek/Nature Trail
If your boyfriend is a nature lover, then here is the perfect idea to show him a good time without it having to cost you the earth. Simply tell him that you’re going trekking so that he can be appropriately dressed. Pack yourselves a light picnic and set out early in the morning to a place he always wanted to go to. By noon, you can enjoy the delicious lunch that you’ve packed. Top it off with some good wine to give it a celebratory touch. Head back home after the long day and have a nap together.
Plant a Tree
Here’s a very simple, yet sweet thing that you can do for your boyfriend on his birthday. Land up at his doorstep with a plant’s sapling in your hand. Take him with you to a special spot that you both like or to the spot where you first met or just to the backyard or even to a garden nearby. Once there, dig up a hole and plant the sapling together. Wish him a happy birthday and tell him that the plant is a symbol of your love for each other. Take good care of the plant and make sure that it grows well. Nurture it and nourish it together and watch it grow into a strong tree, just like your relationship.
You can go overboard with the gifts and celebrations when you have the resources to do so. Until then, it’s a wise idea to stick to simple ideas that have a greater emotional value. After all, it’s the million little things that make the relationship stronger.