By the time someone is 40 they would have probably heard of at least 40 different ways of being wished on a birthday.
When I passed forty I dropped pretense, ’cause men like women who got some sense.
― Maya Angelou
The proverb above has expressed the sentiment too well, hasn’t it? By the age of 40, a person has seen almost anything and everything. From births to deaths, marriages and divorces, etc. But it’s not as bad as it sounds. In fact, by this age a strange stability begins to settle in. You are no longer chasing girls, or jobs, or completing your education. After decades of running and chasing, life is finally getting on track. Probably that is the reason why W. B. Pitkin once said, “Life begins at forty.” All the foolishness is already out of the system. And the person has got in and out of silly predicaments and which has prepared them for almost everything.
If all that doesn’t call for a celebration, I don’t know what does. It’s time to let down your hair and enjoy a party with the loved ones.
Birthday Wishes for a Friend
May your every unfulfilled dream come true. Happy 40th Birthday!
Wishing you an awesome year ahead, With good luck on your way, Stay blessed and happy this day, My dear friend on your birthday today.
My world has been blessed with your inspiring presence for 30 years now. I wish you continue to light up my world for many more to come. Happy 40th Birthday dear friend.
I pray that you continue to age gracefully, and hope that you gain more wisdom along the way. Here’s wishing you a very happy 40th Birthday!
Wishing that you are much happier in the decades to come. Happy 40th Birthday!
Happy 40th Birthday! I wish you have more fun being 20 the second time around.
If you are feeling bad about turning 40 count the accomplishments you’ve achieved through these years! Can’t believe you’ve turned 40 today! A very happy 40th Birthday!
You are halfway to 80. Happy 40th Birthday!
Happy 40th Birthday! Wishing you a very warm welcome to the middle ages.
They say when you get older, time goes twice as fast. Good Luck with that! Enjoy these precious moments. Happy Birthday! I wish you all the best!
Birthday Wishes for Wife
I thank God everyday for sending me his beloved angel. May you shine my every step with your smile. Happy Birthday my Angel!
Honey, it’s not your 40th birthday we are celebrating. It is just the second anniversary of your 39th birthday!
Loving you is loving myself, because our love makes us one. Happy 40th Birthday, my darling!
Rest In Peace 30s and goodbye! Happy Birthday my dear wife!
Accept the gift of my life on your Birthday. You mean the world to me. For your 40th birthday, I gift you my heart and soul. Love you forever. Happy 40th Birthday, Dear wife.
My birthday wishes for you are like our love and marriage. Slow but rock steady. Happy 40th Birthday Wife.
As a couple, we are inseparable. As a pair, we are sizzling hot. As parents, we are so cool. My darling Wife, I love you a lot! Happy Birthday.
Happy 40th Birthday Darling! I feel so happy to have you in my life. Honey. You are the love of my life.
The best part of everyday is waking up right next to you and still getting awestruck that you are my wife. Happy Birthday my Darling.
Birthday Wishes for a Husband
Roses are red and violets are blue, turning 40 this gracefully is only for a few. Happy Birthday Honey!
I am so proud of who you are. A strong, caring, and loving husband, father and provider. You make our family and us a priority. I love you more and more everyday. Thank you for being with. Happy 40th Birthday Husband!
Happy 40th birthday! I wish you have fun on your birthday and that you enjoy being 20 the second time around.
Happy 40th birthday! The older you get, the younger you look for your age. At this rate, you’re going to soon start getting carded at bars and casinos.
You don’t look a day over 20! 40 really agrees with you and I know the next 40 will agree as well. Get more fabulous as you age just like wine! Happy 40th Honey!
It is reassuring to know that you are where you are now. Continue to have the same faith in yourself. And stay by my side for the rest of the coming years. Happy 40th birthday!
You are ruining the perception of people about 40-year-olds. You can’t be 40 and look this amazing! Keep doing whatever you are doing, because it’s helping you look young and fabulous. Have a happy birthday!
You completely epitomize the saying “age is just a number”! Stay the way you are honey! May you have an awesome decade ahead of you! Happy 40th birthday!
I wish your 40th Birthday is as special as you are.
Birthday Wishes for the Boss
Your good karma makes working here good karma for others. You’re great! Happy B’day Boss!
At 40 you’re like a 10-year old kid, but fourfold smarter.
The most special wishes for a special boss like you. Happy 40th Birthday Boss.
May wonderful things and special people surround you so that you know you are really adored on your birthday! Happy 40th Birthday!
May you have the best 40th Birthday ever! You really deserve it!
Wishing you all the best on your special day, boss. Happy Birthday!
Happy 40th Birthday to the hardest working boss!
Hard work never killed anyone… But too many birthdays has. Happy Birthday.
May every dream of yours come true! Have a great 40th Birthday!
Happy Birthday Boss! What are the targets?
Funny Birthday Wishes
40 is not even the hill. It is not even anywhere close to the hill. On the contrary it is all uphill from here. Trust me! Try running up an actual hill! Happy 40!
Be grateful when people tell you that you’re “middle-aged.” At least you are not ‘end-aged.’
Happy 39 and 2 halves!
You have only a decade left to complete half a century. Think of it this way, 480 months, 3,087 weeks, 14,610 days, 350,650 hours! So whatchya doing for the next 350,650 hours?
Half way to 80! Yippe!!!
The problem with your age is the last candle lit before the first one begins to drip.
One candle is enough on your cake. If I light them all according to your age, it’ll burn up this whole place. Happy 40th birthday!
Antiques are always of high value. Just like you… Your smiles are priceless compared to diamonds… Happy 40th!
You’re now forty! Welcome to the club! I mean we welcome our new club president. By the way, that’s you! Happy 40th!