Darling daughters are also cherished nieces. They are special and have their own place in the hearts of their aunts and uncles. The birthday of a loved one, like a niece, is definitely a special occasion to pamper her to the hilt. This article brings you a selection of quotes to ring in this special angel’s birthday.
“That’s what people do who love you. They put their arms around you and love you when you’re not so lovable.”
― Deb Caletti
She is born a princess, the little angel that she is. Her first smile is enough to melt and capture your heart. She is the very reason why you spend more time at home and visit parks in the first place. She can make you dance to her tune, gurgling with a happiness so sweet that it engulfs your very being.
A special angel like her needs to be reminded of her uniqueness every single day, her birthday being the most important of them all. No matter how near or far you are from your little angel, make this birthday of her, a special occasion with heartfelt words that will ring out your emotion.
Today is super special and magical day!
Because it’s your birthday!
A very happy birthday, Niece!
A niece is so special, she will fill your life with love like a rainbow made with sunshine when rain falls from above. Precious memories she will give you many, heartaches and some tears. She’s a treasure that is priceless that will last you all your years. Happy Birthday Princess.
Stay mischievous and happy throughout your life. Happy Birthday Niece!
I will stay young forever at heart with your presence around me.
You are the reason I have always dreamt of having a daughter. Happy birthday to my favorite niece.
May your party be huge, just like your heart. May your presents be plenty, just like your loved ones. May your candles be bright just like your eyes. May your cake be sweet just like you. Here’s wishing you a beautiful and grand birthday this year.
Dear Niece, you are a treasure with a heart that’s kind and true. So enjoy a birthday filled with joy while God watches over you.
Keep your eyes on the stars and hope in your heart and leave the rest up to God. Happy Birthday!
Count your life by smiles, not tears.
Count your age by friends, not years.
Happy birthday dear niece!
The word cuteness was redefined after you were born. Happy birthday to my cutie pie.
Niece, not even on your birthday you can stop learning from your mistakes. Remember how important it is. Wish you everything stays positive from now on.
I became, from being a normal person to an amazing uncle, by the birth of my beautiful niece years ago. It still makes me well up a little when I think of the day. Happy birthday.
Today on your birthday, I hope that all your dreams come true and that you take advantage while you are young to achieve all your goals. Grow as a person and you will make progress. Have a Happy Birthday!
With each passing year you grow dearer to me. I hope that your birthday is as special as can be! Have an exciting birthday, niece.
You are the best gift my sister has ever given me. Happy birthday my best gift.
Dear Niece,
Remember that what makes you unique is your simplicity and honesty that characterizes you. Preserve those virtues. Happy Birthday!
My image of being a strong woman came down as soon as I saw the cute little hands of yours. You make me a soft-hearted person with every passing year. Happy birthday my dear.
Niece, it is hard to forget your birthday. It is difficult to express in words the happiness you bring to the family by being who you are. Never change ever, always assume the challenges and do not give up because of the difficulties in the way. You are strong and you will know how to overcome them. Happy Birthday!
”All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much.” ― George Harrison
I hope that today is the beginning of a great year for you. Happy Birthday dear niece!
You are becoming a young woman and it’s your birthday and we won’t let go. There is no one like you, you are a wonderful young lady special and kind, so talented and blessed with inner beauty. For you we will wish that every morning the sun will shine for you, that all the stars will smile at you, and that you will be accepted with love every where you turn.
You make the world around you shine bright because of the beautiful light that you have inside. Today, we will celebrate you and that light and the effect that it has on everyone you meet! You’re amazing! Happy Birthday!
Shakespeare was a famous man; Picasso was one, too. They were known to all, but then, Along came you. Happy Birthday Dear Niece!
Happy birthday! Wishing you a wonderful year ahead. Your birthday deserves to be a national holiday, because you are a special treasure.
“Most of us can remember a time when a birthday – especially if it was one’s own – brightened the world as if a second sun has risen.” ― Robert Staughton Lynd
“The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.” ― Lucille Ball
Take a sprinkling of magic fairy dust. And an angel’s white feather. Add a dash of loving care. Then mix them all together. Add a sweet sentiment or two. Some stardust, ground down fine. And what you’ll get is a fantastic niece just like mine ― Unknown
Niece is such a lovely word
That always brings to mind
Memories of the happiest
And very warmest kind
Thoughts of you bring memories
Through each passing year
You’ve been the kind of niece
Who’s especially sweet and dear
I know that if you could read my heart
Then you would surely see
With every day that passes by
You mean still more to me. ― Unknown
A niece is …
A rainbow on a rainy day
A golden ray of sunshine
A twinkling star in the night sky
Someone who makes everything
just a little bit special
Have a Wonderful Birthday ― Unknown
Hope your day is filled with fun
And lots of nice things too
Because a niece’s birthday is special
but nowhere near as special you! ― Unknown
Happy Birthday to a niece who couldn’t be loved more. You are loved for – the little girl you were, the special woman you are now and the precious niece you will always be. ― Unknown
My niece, my little princess, you totally rule my heart, in the story of my life you are the best part. Your sweet smile and magical ways bring happiness in my life, and joy that forever stays. Happy Birthday.
I am there in your life for a purpose – to spoil you, pamper you, indulge you, fuss over you and allow you to do all those things that you parents don’t. Happy birthday from your uncle.
When you add the alphabet E to nice, it read niece. And with you, the E stands for Extraordinary. Happy birthday to my niece.
My biggest achievement in life is that I became a godmother to a beautiful baby many years ago. And that baby was you. Happy birthday to my darling niece.
Very few aunts in this world have nieces who are also their best friends, late night phone buddies and shopping mates. I am truly lucky to have you. Happy birthday.